Understanding the Basics of Photocell

One of the important parts of an oil boiler is a photocell. This component has a vital function and if it is not working properly then the burner may shut down randomly. The photocell does the function of monitoring the combustion flame and is a very vital safety device. Keen to know some more details about photocells? Then you are in the right place as here you can get an insight into the basics of a photocell.
So, what exactly is a photocell in a burner?
- The flame lead must have a proper lead wire and it is also important that the photocell gets a proper view of the flame.
- The required temperature of the photocell has to be maintained
- It is also very important to protect the photocell from the light that the hot refractory is emitting.
Keen to know the working of an oil boiler photocell?
During the start-up process, the photocell first checks and confirms that there is no stray light coming from the flame in the chamber. Only after this factor is confirmed the PCB allows the system to begin the start-up phase and only after that the ignition will take place. Once the ignition happens then the photocell of the boiler photocell ensures that it continues to remain lit. The burner cannot get additional fuel once the signal of the PCB stops.