About Us

Linear Systems has been a top firm in the process industry market since past many years. We started off our operations back in the year 1986 and since then, there is no turning back. Our company is known for the quality production of Burner Controllers for Furnaces and Boilers using state of the art technology.
Linear Systems – Founded in 1986. The firm has relentlessly worked for innovations for Flame Monitoring in the process industry since 1986 and has now become a leading manufacturer and supplier for Burner Controllers, Flame Rod Amplifier, Flame Rod for Gas Flame, Burner Sequence Controllers, UV Sensors & Amplifiers, and many more.
The firm has gained a lot of experience and expertise being so many years in the field. We have a good number of collaborations with Boiler and Furnace manufacturers for the necessary requirements. Started off small, but today have 20,000+ controllers like Burner Controllers installed over places like Canada, India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sudan, Africa, etc. and it became possible only because of the hard work and effort of our staff, the timely delivery of products, and our quality assured services.
Just like any other reputed and responsible business, we also want to serve the customers to the fullest by offering high quality and cost-effective products and services. To achieve the ultimate vision, we are trying to:
- Build goodwill in the market
- Provide a good environment even for our employees
- Coordinate and work effectively with the customers.
- Always aim to serve the customers. Trying to be a customer-centric company, drawing its inspiration from large firms like Amazon.
- Good Period of Warranty
- LED indication of Sequence Progress
- Local and Remote Reset facility
- Attractive and compact enclosures
When it comes down to running a business, the people at LINEAR SYSTEMS believe in few value points and without them, we never perform any of our business activity. They are the following:
The key to keeping the consumer happy is by serving quality! A customer, who finds quality in the products delivered to him, will definitely return back again and again whenever the need arises. Our company makes sure to employ professionals who produce the best output and don’t result in any kind of complaint from the consumer end. This one of the reasons we are named to be one of the Best Burner Controllers manufacturer in India.
The team believes that once the customer is satisfied, the business people are satisfied. We draw our inspiration from big companies like Amazon, to learn the best ways to keep customer satisfaction on the top when it comes down to doing business properly.
The industry that we target considers time as a valuable factor. We make sure to always keep this in our mind so that every product of ours is delivered to the client on or before time without compromising with other factors like quality in any manner whatsoever.
LINEAR SYSTEMS doesn’t forget you once it has sold its products instead the real relationship begin at that very moment only. We provide guarantee, warranty, and customer support for your suggestions, queries, etc. Our product will never cause you any issues, but even if it does then we have our own excellent and trained team of professionals offering the best after-sales service in the market.